Getting the most from Hiring Hub – A guide for employers

So it has happened – you’ve got the spec, you’ve got the fee, and you’ve put the two together to create that good-looking job post on Hiring Hub. What next?

Well, the marketplace will bring three parties together – the Brief, the Agency, and the Candidate. We’ll explain how to get the most out of all three to secure the best talent below.

Your Brief

You should have by now spoken to one of our Relationship Managers about your job, which means that your original spec has now been adorned with detailed qualifying notes.

The conversation you just had with your Relationship Manager is instrumental in helping the agencies fill your job. Their search will now be more focused, as they will be guided by the spec, and the qualification notes.

Have a look at the notes that you’ve helped create. Do they fully reflect what you’re looking for? Does anything need to be added or amended? Let us know straight away, as this will be every recruiter’s starting, and reference points. If the brief isn’t right, the candidates won’t be either!

Your Agencies

How to pick them
Look for a complete, friendly, and professional Hiring Hub profile. The best agencies take time and care to make sure their profile looks just right, and provide some concise information on their mission statement, and their philosophy around candidate care. Consider the agency’s ratings and reviews too!

If ever in doubt, ask your Relationship Manager; they work with the recruiters on a daily basis, and will always recommend the best people for the job.

How to keep them
Remember – the recruiter presents you to the candidate. If you aren’t providing the feedback on time (or not at all), they are likely to just put a candidate towards another job, and take them off the market. If you’re struggling to keep to your timescales, ensure that you update your Relationship Manager to retain recruiter and candidate engagement!

How to manage them
This bit is simple: use your Relationship Manager! They’ll brief the agencies for you, and help them fine-tune their searches. Your Relationship Manager will also liaise with the recruiters to keep your candidates updated, and manage their expectations on your process.

Your Candidates
The employment market these days is fully candidate-focused. Top talent will be picky and demanding, and will be considering multiple job opportunities alongside yours.

To keep your candidates happy and engaged, move fast. The quicker you can provide feedback, and the quicker you move through the process, the higher the likelihood that you can secure this candidate for your business. And if it doesn’t work out – at least you haven’t dragged things out, allowing the recruiter to quickly adjust their searches and present you with more suitable people!

If speed is not your forte, ensure that you manage expectations from the start. Set a timescale and stick to it – there’s nothing worse for your employer brand than leaving candidates hanging on for weeks at a time with no news!

Originally published 17th January 2018