Why you’re terrible at recruiting

Every organisation likes to think they’re great at recruitment. But is this actually the case? A recent report released by the CIPD and Hays PLC, found that 78% of the employers surveyed reported that recruiting related problems are one of the biggest challenges to business growth.

Incredibly, 8 out of 10 respondents claimed that they’re unable to find suitable talent for roles that they deem as mission critical for their business to survive.

Quite alarming really, isn’t it?

Resolve your Hiring problems

The obvious reasons for the recruiting difficulties they face were rolled out, including the lack of available talent and lack of experience. But could it actually be a result of choices made earlier in the recruitment process?

Are businesses failing to find top talent because they’re limiting their search by closing themselves off to other opportunities? All too often we hear from people who aren’t looking to use services outside of their PSL, or outside of their normal routes to talent. Often that’s because they like the way they do it, they have set suppliers or they can’t be bothered with the hassle of looking into doing things differently.

We’re sure the owners of the businesses that can’t find talent for mission critical roles, would be intrigued to hear their HR department dismissing opportunities to hire the very best talent, simply because they like the way they do it already.

So rather than sit there bemoaning the lack of talent that your PSL provides, or that applies through social media, it’s time to open yourself up to other channels, and better opportunities.

Hiring Hub exists to make you feel good about recruitment. We only work with top recruitment agencies, who operate in a marketplace where they’re ranked on merit. So rather than work with two or three “trusted” agencies that only have access to a limited talent pool, place your role on Hiring Hub and harness the power of a community to fill your role from a much wider talent pool. The owner of your business will thank you for it when your next hire takes the business on to the next level.


Originally published 14th December 2015