HH Product Update – What we did in May

Hello and welcome to the May edition of the Hiring Hub product update!  

The sun shined on us in May, and HH Tech had been working away at some jazzy new user features.  


Moving to a percentage fee

This month we moved from a fixed fee model to a percentage fee model. This is in keeping with the rest of the recruitment market, and feedback tells us that it’s favoured by our employer and recruitment agency users. 

Now, when a job is uploaded onto the platform, the employer user will determine a percentage fee for that role, which is dependent on the final salary accepted by the candidate. 

As ever, we would love to know what you think!


Candidate Reviews

Currently, when a placement has been made on Hiring Hub, the employer user who posted the role is invited to leave a review of the recruitment agency who filled the role. As Hiring Hub is a marketplace, reviews are what bring the value to all users. 

We’re always looking for different ways to encourage employer users to write more reviews, when we thought “What if we ask someone else to leave a review?”. Who better to give some feedback, than the candidate on the other side of the hiring process.

The purpose of developing this feature is to give our recruitment agency users more data to present to employer users to showcase how great they are at what they do, and why they should be allowed to work on their role. 

When this feature has been released, our recruitment agency users will be able to send a link to their successful candidate to ask them to leave a review on Hiring Hub. This is at the complete discretion of the recruitment agency. 

When the candidate clicks the link, this is what they will see.

They will be able to review the recruitment agency on the following aspects: ‘communication’, ‘professionalism’, ‘application guidance’ and ‘would you recommend me to a friend?’. These categories will be star ratings from 1 to 5, with a final free text field for any additional comments they wish to make.

Once the candidate has completed the form, the recruitment agency will receive an email to tell them that they have a new, shiny review! Here, they can see how the candidate rated them and any comments the candidate left.

The reviews will be visible on the agency profile page, so employer users can read them when deciding who to engage on their role. 

To our agency users reading this, we’ll be releasing this feature soon so keep your eyes peeled and let us know what you think.




What is Hiring Hub?

Originally published 12th June 2020