Hello and welcome to the July edition of the Hiring Hub product update!
July marks the beginning of Q3. I know, we’ve been inside for so long. Now the proverbial dust is seeming to settle, HH Tech is focussed on getting us back to where we were at the beginning of 2020.
Super secret project
Now you’re hooked, aren’t you?
We’re working on a stealth project for our employers and recruiters that we’ll be launching in September. HH Tech is full steam ahead with the recruitment version of the Manhattan Project.
Keep your eyes peeled for more details.
HH Score for agencies
This month, we released our HH score feature for our agency users. The purpose of the score is to give employer users an easy way to assess the quality of the agency, using an independent rating system.
This feature gives each agency company a score out of 10 based on performance metrics they’ve generated on Hiring Hub. The specific metrics used to generate the score are interview rate, number of placements made and number of reviews collected from employers and candidates.
Here’s what it looks like:
To our agency uses reading this – we’re working on an equivalent score for employers. To really make HH a marketplace, employers also need to be rated so agencies can easily see if they would like to work with the employer on a role.
Application Action Tracking
Application action tracking (AAT) is a new feature we’ve developed for our employer users, with the purpose of giving them an insight into how long each stage of their recruitment process takes.
Time to hire is only useful up to a point when trying to analyse how efficient your recruitment process is. Although you know how long the whole process takes, you can’t be sure how long it takes to move from applications received to interviews requested for example.
This is where our widget comes in…
Here, you can clearly see the elapsed time between job posted, applications received, interview process, offer made and offer accepted stages of the hiring process. This gives employer users insights into their process and indicators of where they can begin to optimise. To help our employers understand this information and make changes to their processes, we’ve included a couple of tips on recommended times between stages to ensure they keep the best candidates in their application process.
For our employer users reading this, we would love to hear your thoughts when you see it.
What is Hiring Hub?